Monday, April 14, 2008

YOU CAN RELAX. Bush is gonna pick the Pope up at the airport today. Thank God. I know you so didn't want to go get him yourself.

I can just hear George now: "Laura! What's the flight number? No, I'm looking for my shoes- just Google it for me, will ya? Dammit, where the hell are my- Northwest!! Jesus, woman, just look it up, he's gonna be here any minute! Where the fuck are my shoes?!"

Tee hee!


Cameltrooper said...

What I wouldn't pay to see the Hare Krishnas accost Bush and the Pope for donations at the airport.

It think it would go something like this.

"Pear pimples for hairy fishnuts!"

CFN said...

I think Berkeley Breathed is a goddamned genius. I own all the Bloom Counties, and particularly love the one that has that particular strip; "Pear pimples for hairy fishnuts" meant something to me even before clicking the link.

Kudos, BB.

Cameltrooper said...

I've loved Bloom County since I can remember reading the funny pages. I've been trying to fill in my B.C. collection since I lost a bunch of them when moving sometime back. Too bad they don't print them anymore.

At least Opus is back in the Sunday papers now.