"DUTCH MAN INJURES posterior in mooning incident". I think, on the whole, that the news is getting better every day. Ever since Barbara Walters outed herself as the lover of a Republican senator, it's been wonderful! Dutch media goes on to say that he is recovering since the accident, during which something went "horribly wrong".
Of course it went horribly wrong! You can't have a "mooning incident" without following with the phrase "horribly wrong". They go together like toast and butter.
I'm sorry to say this young man pressed his hiney up against the plate glass window of a restaurant, and the inevitable occurred. Should you be concerned about the small businessman, you'll be happy to know the man paid for the broken window.
Baby... got... back.
Look Ciara, let this be a lesson to you. No more late-night drunk mooning sessions for any of us.
I just don't even know what to say to this. He wins some kind of award for stupidity:)
So, I enjoyed the show so much last night!!! Aside from sweating my balls off, that is;)
Next week, I think I practice Wed. and Thurs. so let's shoot maybe for Tuesday evening at the Studio? We could grab some food first or after, even. Lemme know.
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